Hungry Ocean

18,000 x 10,800 pixels | 60″ x 36″ Hungry Ocean Detail / Close Up Prints Available


Thunderhead Detail / Close Up   Prints available:

Robin Williams

Portrait of Robin Williams. Mostly about practicing facial anatomy. Not 100% happy with the shape of the face. I think I am still off a…


The first time I came across a Salvador Dali painting (in a book), I was a fan. It was the moment I realized art could…

Impressionism | Audrey

Another impressionism painting. I am most happy with the eyes. Less happy with some of the contouring. Some spots don’t feel natural to me. I…

digital oil abstract | Inferno

A quick digital oil abstract for today. I’m loving this ArtRage app – which has the most realistically simulated wet media effects I have seen.…

360° Image Tests

I’m currently exploring how I might be able to create some slightly immersive art experiences. In this experiment, I am using the Google and Facebook…